Pelvic floor electromagnetic cushion helps men and women who suffer from urinary incontinence. Also, mothers suffering from stress incontinence following childbirth, and women with decreased sexual function. It helps with bladder control and men’s prostate health. The EM Shape pelvic floor seat assists with postpartum repair.
It’s the equivalent to 10,000 Kegel exercises per 30 minute session. It helps to support the uterus, bladder, and rectum. Strengthening them over time can help the client have better control over bladder and bowels and prevent incontinence especially as a result of aging.
The pelvic floor is actually part of the core. Pelvic floor muscles work with the diaphragm and abdominal muscles (the body’s core) to support the bladder, uterus, and other internal organs. Strengthening all these muscles together can be particularly useful for women who are experiencing postpartum abdominal muscle separation or diastasis rectior urinary incontinence, as well as those experiencing back pain or balance issues.
EM Shape pelvic cushion is a non-invasive, painless procedure with zero recovery time. Most women say that they are satisfied with the procedure and have improved their symptoms and quality of life. Not only are the treatments especially good for women who want to restore bladder and muscle control, but they could also help with more intense sexual experiences and vaginal lubrication.
Clients will see or experience results after two treatments. It is recommended a series of 6 treatments to experience tangible results. After these initial treatments, maintenance depends on the severity of the issue and can range from once a year to once a month. Clients should continue doing regular Kegel exercises at home
Non-invasive procedure, with no downtime
Highly efficient - 30 minutes treatment, twice weekly, is equivalent to more than 10,000 Kegel exercises
Strengthen pubococcygeal muscle (PC muscle)
Prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence
Improve the sensitivity and functioning of sex
Restore vaginal muscle tension and improve vaginal health
Improve postpartum recovery
Increase vaginal wall thickness and lubrication after menopause
Increase blood flow and nerve functioning of the basin
Firming & lifting of the buttocks shape